Our partners
Cyberpsychology Lab of UQO : Research & Development
Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO)
283, Boul. Alexandre-Taché, Room C-2500
Gatineau (Québec), J8X 3X7
(819) 595-3900 x 2360
(819) 595-2250
Virtual reality clinics and research centres
Other than IN VIRTUO’s clinic located at 5 rue d’Orsonnens, Gatineau (Qc), Canada, some clinics and research centres uses our virtual reality software. Here are a few examples :
Exhale Psychological services
Psychological services (Bilingual)
101C - 900 Dynes Road, Ottawa (ON) K2C 3L6 (Canada)
T: (613) 220-5669
F: (833) 305-0210
Ottawa Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (OICBT)
Private practice offering psychological services for mental health disorders (Ottawa, Ont.)
Web siteHawkesbury General Hospital
Mental Health & Addiction Regional Centre
(Hawkesbury, On, Canada)
Maison Odyssée
Treatment centre fo pathological gambling - Non-profit organization (Sainte-Marie, Québec, Canada)
Web site